Easy Control of HR Financial Administration
Manage all finance transactions in one HR platform integrated with Payroll

E-Claim / E-Reimbursement

Approval Flow can be assigned up to 5 level and can be customised down to every employees
Create requests and approve or rejects anywhere without the paperworks
Print reimbursement slip if required for audit purposes
Advance Cash

Create custom types of advance cash
Easy approval and reimbursement process. Repayment will be deducted automatically in the payroll
Review advance cash history for audit purposes
Loan (Internal)

Create custom loan types as allowed by company regulation
Create approval flow up to 5 level
Defer instalment in case of emergency
Bank Account

Add multiple bank account for different purposes (Cash Advance, Loan, Reimbursement)
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Easy Control of HR Financial Administration
Manage all finance transactions in one HR platform integrated with Payroll
E-Claim / E-Reimbursement
Reimbursement menu allow interaction between staffs and finance controller staff from making request to approval
Approval Flow can be assigned up to 5 level and can be customised down to every employees
Create requests and approve or rejects anywhere without the paperworks
Print reimbursement slip if required for proof

Advance Cash
Advance Cash is a type of short term loan which needs to be repaid in payroll.
Create custom types of advance cash
Easy approval and reimbursement process. Repayment will be deducted automatically in the payroll
Review advance cash history for audit purposes

Internal loan from employees to company can be processed and recorded in PayrollBozz loan system. Request from mobile apps, choose the installment period and provide reason and document for evaluation.
Create loan types as allowed by company regulation
Defer instalment in case of emergency
Create approval flow up to 5 level

Try out the finance HR feature in the demo account now

Bank Account
Company can add multiple bank account registered in the local bank for disbursement purposes
Add multiple bank account for different purposes (Cash Advance, Loan, Reimbursement)
Lihat laporan pinjaman dan daftar peminjam dan saldo yang sudah terpakai untuk dana pinjaman, untuk semua cabang perusahaan. Perperiode ataupun keseluruhan.
Lihat semua laporan mulai dari reimbursement hingga pinjaman disini

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Finance HR Software For Your Business
By using PayrollBozz to manage financial administration of employees, company can reduce time wasting activities from manual calculation and be freed of paperworks. Request and approval processes of loan, cash advance, and reimbursement are done digitally by employees and their supervisors. All transactions will be recorded in the system and always available for review later on
Every transactions including the loan, cash advance and reimbursement will be automatically calculated and accessible for further usage in the payroll. Repayment and instalment will be automatically processed in the payroll and will reflect in the payslip. With PayrollBozz as your HR Software, taking care of your HR and finance administration will be a breeze, and everyone can start focusing on the business and the people in the organisation.
Start using PayrollBozz now, and save all the time and money in the future.