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Invest your time in something better

All HR system needs are here. PayrollBozz helps ease the burden of complex calculations.


Invest your time in something better

All HR system needs are here. PayrollBozz helps ease the burden of complex calculations.


Eliminates the hassle of manual payroll period calculations


You can save time compared to when using the manual process


More flexible and powerful, making HR administration easier for employees


Eliminates the hassle of manual calculations on payroll periods

>320 hours

You can save time compared to using the manual process


More flexible and powerful, making it easier for employees’ HR administration

We can help you to minimize risk

The financial industry has many challenges that must be faced, especially in data and system security. PayrollBozz is here as a management tool, so you can focus more on your business development.

Reports can be viewed completely and accurately

View loan reports and a list of borrowers, as well as balances that have been used as loan funds for all company branches. You can view the period or the entire report.

Tax Management, BPJS, THR according to regulations

PayrollBozz has a calculation formula that is always updated in accordance with applicable regulations. Specific employee template settings can be made for personalization according to your company data


Payslip reports that are integrated with the Bank

PayrollBozz allows you to send payslips to employees via email or with the PayrollBozz application, so you can minimize paper as a medium of use. The salary slips that have been given are neatly arranged in the salary history report.

Start enjoying the best HR experience with PayrollBozz
